1st Burrill-Ulladulla Sea Scout Group has a Joey Scout, Cub Scout, Scout & Venturer Scout Unit supported by Adult Leaders and a Group Support Committee made up of parents & community people.

Group Membership Ages
Joeys: 5 - 8yrs
Cubs: 8 - 11yrs
Scouts: 11 - 14yrs
Venturers: 14 -17yrs

Scouting provides young Australians, of all ages, gender, and ability, with challenging and adventurous opportunities so they may grow and develop in the 6 areas of personal development. These areas are known as "SPICES"

Social - Physical - Intellectual - Character - Emotional - Spiritual

1st Burrill-Ulladulla Sea Scout Group is committed to assisting young people reach their potential in all the above areas and to be valuable and respected members of our local community.

Select "Register as a member" then "New" below to start your trial membership today! Up to three FREE visits!

View our latest Scouts Newsletter - Scouts Newsletter Term 4 2024

Hall Bookings 
Available through Vennu - Sea Scout Main Hall for Hire | Ulladulla NSW- Vennu

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